
The Kuwait Journal of Systematic Innovation (KJSI) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical publishing practices. We take all forms of plagiarism seriously and have strict policies in place to address any instances of plagiarism in our publications.

Definition of Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work as one's own without proper attribution or citation. This includes copying and pasting text from other sources, paraphrasing without proper attribution, and submitting work that has been previously published or submitted elsewhere.

The KJSI has a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. We require all authors to ensure that their submitted articles are original and have not been published previously or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any instances of plagiarism or other forms of research misconduct will result in the immediate rejection of the submission or retraction of the published article.

The KJSI utilizes plagiarism detection software to screen all submitted articles for potential instances of plagiarism. This software compares the submitted article with a vast database of published material, including academic journals, books, and other online sources.

Authors' Responsibilities
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submitted articles are original and do not include any plagiarized material. They must provide complete and accurate references for all cited sources and must not use any material that infringes on the copyright of others. Any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their research must also be disclosed.

If plagiarism is detected in a submitted article, the editorial board will take appropriate action, which may include rejection of the submission or retraction of the published article. The author(s) will also be notified of the plagiarism and may be barred from submitting future articles to the KJSI.

The KJSI is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical publishing practices. We take plagiarism and other forms of research misconduct seriously and will not tolerate such behavior in our publications. We urge all authors to adhere to our plagiarism policy and to ensure that their work is original, accurate, and properly cited.