About the Journal

Kuwait Journal of Systematic Innovation in Interdisciplinary Studies (KJSIIS) is a  quarterly (four times a year) peer-reviewed, open-access journal that provides a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to publish their innovative and interdisciplinary studies. The journal aims to promote the systematic study and application of innovation in various fields, including but not limited to business, engineering, technology, social sciences, and humanities.

The primary goal of KJSIIS is to advance the understanding of systematic innovation and its potential to solve complex problems in a variety of disciplines. The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that contribute to the development of systematic innovation theory and practice.

The scope of KJSIIS includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Systematic innovation methodologies and frameworks
  • Innovation management and strategy
  • Creativity and ideation techniques
  • Technology and product innovation
  • Service innovation and design
  • Organizational innovation and change
  • Social and environmental innovation
  • Cross-disciplinary innovation and collaboration
  • Innovation in emerging economies
  • Innovation policy and regulation

KJSIIS seeks to provide a forum for researchers, scholars, and practitioners from different disciplines and regions to share their knowledge and experiences on systematic innovation. The journal welcomes contributions from academia, industry, and government agencies.

The editors of KJSIIS are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in publishing. All manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure their quality and originality.

We encourage researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their manuscripts to KJSIIS and contribute to the advancement of systematic innovation in interdisciplinary studies.

KJSIIS is committed to providing open access to its content to maximize the dissemination of knowledge and promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Therefore, all articles published in KJSIIS are available online to readers without any restrictions or subscription fees.

As an Open Access journal, KJSIIS provides the following benefits:

  • Accessibility: Anyone with an internet connection can access the journal's content for free, ensuring that research findings reach a wider audience.

  • Visibility: Open access articles are more visible and have a greater potential to be cited by other researchers, increasing their impact and visibility.

  • Preservation: Open access articles are archived in digital repositories, ensuring their long-term preservation and accessibility.